Frequently Asked Questions
At Petal High School, we want to ensure that all students have a positive experience. This list is provided to help answer common questions, but is never intended to replace interactions with the school. We want to make sure all your questions are answered, so we encourage you to call the school office at 601.583.3538 or your student's teacher if we can help you in any way.
- What are the school hours?
- Will the nurse call me if my student is sick?
- What if my student will need medication at school?
- How do I contact my student’s teachers?
- I contacted my student’s teacher, but I haven’t heard back. What do I do now?
- How can I choose my student's elective class?
- What classes are required?
- How can I get my student’s schedule changed?
- When should my student begin taking the ACT?
- How do you register for the ACT?
- How do we apply for college?
- How do I apply for scholarships?
- What is National Merit and how does my student qualify?
- What is the PSAT?
- Pickup and Dropoff Procedures